My plan for the morning was to do some laundry and get some writing done.
Once all my gear was safely stashed in my new room, I went down and threw some laundry in and then headed to the pub for breakfast. The place reminded me of Coronation Street.
Rich wood, tons of photos and artifacts and more friendly staff.
After I was done this enormous breakfast, I snooped around the pub and took some photos, then I headed off to go and put my laundry in the drier. Back in the room I put on another cup of coffee and settled in to tagging photos and writing.
Frank Gogos met us there. Frank works with Morgan MacDonald, the owner of the foundry who is a brilliant sculptor. Frank himself is a historian among other things.
While Frank and Morgan worked on getting the pour ready, one of Morgan's employees took Debby and I around to look at some of the previous work they had done and some of the sculptures that were in various stages of completion.
Bowring Park.
The guys got geared up in special heat resistant suits and began the process of removing the molten bronze from the foundry and transferring it to the cast mould.
Here is the process in pictures:
It was an impressive thing to watch but it was also very hot and smelly, and while the pour didn't go exactly the way they had hoped, they now knew exactly what they would have to do when they re-poured the next day.
I thanked Frank and Morgan for the chance to see the foundry in action and all of the pre-pour work that goes into creating or refurbishing a monument.
I was totally in awe of the whole process.
Debby and I left the foundry to go back to the Guv'nor Inn so I could get ready for the evening ahead and then we stopped in to her place for the same reason.
Tonight was a big night for me. I was finally going to get a Jiggs dinner and get Screeched in.
When the meal arrived I dug in with some gusto and was rewarded with the rich flavours that are what make a Jigs dinner a staple in Newfoundland.
Salt beef, carrots, turnips, cabbage that have been all boiled together served with peas pudding, turkey with stuffing and gravy.
George Street is one crazy place! Pubs all competing for the visitors business, music blaring, the sound of laughter everywhere and it was early yet! I was told that by the time 11pm rolled around the street would be elbow to elbow!
I was gifted with a CAV sweatshirt all because I commented that I would like know where could I get one...these CAV people are some generous and they were that way right across Canada.
All of us who had signed up to be Screeched In were called up to the bar and we were given this very firm and stern talk about the importance of being a
Newfoundlander and that we had to represent the province well.
We had to keep our hands off the bar and was tough let me tell you!
"From the waters of the Avalon, to the shores of Labrador,
We've always stuck together, with a Rant and with a Roar.
To those who've never been, soon they'll understand,
From coast to coast, we raise a toast, We love thee Newfoundland!"
And it ends with:
"Deed I is me old cock, and long may your big jib draw!"
And you had to say it the way he said it...then we had to kiss the cod!
What a hoot! A little different from kissing the Sour Toe up in Dawson City YT earlier in the summer but not that much!
Before too long it was time to head back to the hotel and say some of my good byes because in the early afternoon I was being escorted to Goobies to meet with the Lys
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